Publications Office

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis Board of Editors

Katarzyna ŁUKASIUK
Executive Editor
Grzegorz CZAPSKI
Małgorzata SKUP
English Language Editor
Managing Editor
Grażyna RYBKA


The Nencki Institute and Polish Neuroscience Society jointly publish the quarterly journal Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis.

Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis (ANE) is a continuation of Acta Biologiae Experimentalis, a quarterly founded in 1928 as the main Polish journal publishing original articles in the broad area of experimental biology. In 1970, the name was changed ANE and the scope was redirected towards behavior, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology and neuropsychology. The first Editor after the change of title was Professor Jerzy Konorski. ANE has always been edited in the Nencki Institute and has an international Board of Editors. PWN (state-owned Polish Scientific Publishers) acted as the journal publisher till 1989. In 1990, the Nencki Institute became its independent publisher, and the Polish Neuroscience Society became its co-publisher in 2002.

Today, ANE is a fully peer-reviewed quarterly with an international Board of Editors and an Impact Factor of 1.5 (in 2017). Its scope covers broad aspects of neurobiology and neuropathology, including genetics, biochemistry, molecular and cellular neurobiology of the nervous system, electrophysiology and fMRI, functional and comparative neuroanatomy, development and evolution of the nervous system, behavior, brain modeling and also its aging and pathology. ANE publishes original research reports, theoretical papers, reviews, short communications, descriptions of new methods, book reviews and letters to the editor.

Chronicle of the Polish Neuroscience Society is printed on separate pages in the issues of ANE. The average time from receiving a manuscript to print is 6 months. Dates of submission and acceptance are specified at the end of each manuscript. Last issue of each year contains the list of contents of the volume, index of authors and the list of reviewers.

ANE is indexed by Current Contents/Life Sciences, Index Medicus, Biological Abstracts, Science Citation Index, EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Cambridge Scientific Abstracts USA, Medline and Polska Bibliografia Lekarska GBL. Circulation of ANE varies from 300 (standard issues) to 950 (conference issues). Libraries and individual subjects from over 20 countries subscribe to ANE. Electronic submission and processing of manuscripts is possible from the page of ANE. An electronic version of the journal is available free of charge on-line at in PDF format at and, and in the mobile frendly format at ANE is consecutively placing PDFs of earlier issues on its page. They are linked to specific titles in Medline, to be downloaded for free. At present, articles published from mid 1970’s and onward are available.